The Tibetan WindHorse is an allegory for the human soul in shamanistic tradition in Central Asia. WindHorse prayerflags include four animals - Garuda, Dragon, Tiger and Snow Lion. In Tibetan Buddhism, the four animals represent the four directions and is symbolic of well-being and good fortune. The Prayerflag ritual consists of gathering together to place the flags in the form of a horse and sending prayers out on the winds around the globe. Prayers of Peace and Well-being are chanted and then the horse would fly on the winds to carry them around the planet. The fluttering flags
in the wind also carry the prayers to heaven.
The WindHorse carries three Jewels - the Buddha, Dharma (the teachings) and Sangha (the community). At other times Lung ta (the Wind Horse) carries on his back, the Wish Fulfilling Jewel which brings peace, wealth and harmony.
The Green Tara presides over the prayers and blessings in Mongolia, in the traditional horse races held for the local communities .